What is Aquatic School?
Established in 1954, Aquatic School is the Longhorn Council’s oldest week-long leadership program for Scouts ages 13-17. This unique, challenging, and rewarding course has been the training ground for over six decades of Longhorn Council instructors & leaders. Scouts learn the Four Goals of Aquatic School while participating in Swimming, Lifesaving, Rowing, and Canoeing merit badges. The Four Goals are: 1) Leadership Development, 2) Skill Proficiency, 3) Instructor Training, and 4) Time Management. Scouts not only learn these merit badges, but learn how to teach these merit badges!
Skill Proficiency
Many Scouts might balk at the idea of coming to Aquatic School because they already have one or more of the merit badges taught. However, Aquatic School is not like summer camp and Scouts who attend Aquatic School will DRAMATICALLY improve their skills in all merit badges. Regardless of their skill level, Aquatic School will provide them with an opportunity to improve some aspect of thier skills. Just look at the HERE or HERE to see what Scouts have said regarding how their skills improved from Aquatic School. In order to be a great instructor, you must be able to demonstrate excellent skills, Aquatic School helps Scouts cultivate and hone their skills.

Spirit, Tradition & Fun!
While Aquatic School is challenging and designed to help Scouts become better instructors, leaders, and aquatic resources, IT IS A LOT OF FUN! There are many traditions unique only to Aquatic School that Scouts enjoy year
after year. The spirit and comradery Scouts experience at Aquatic
School will make lasting friendships. Aquatic School is unlike
any camp Scouts have attended.

Instructor Training
This is one of the fundamental differences between Aquatic School and other aquatic camps. Here, Scouts learn skills to teach swimming, rowing, lifesaving, and canoeing. In addition, Scouts learn how to teach a non swimmer how to swim. Scouts learn a variety of skills and methods to instuct others at different skills levels. Aquatic School graduates have served on staff or directed all three Longhorn Council summer camp staffs teaching almost every badge offered. The instructor skills that Scouts learn at Aquatic School can be carried over and applied to any situation or badge.
Leadership Development
Scouts will develop and cultivate leadership skills throughout the week. Using the patrol method, Scouts learn the skills necessary to be better troop leaders and aquatic resources. However, instead of being divided troops and patrols, Scouts at Aquatic School are divided into “Ships” and “Watches.” Unlike some programs that lecture about leadership, at Aquatic School Scouts learn by doing. Scouts elect their own Ship and Watch leadership and learn how to work together in a buddy pair, small group envriornment and large groupd environment---as they will have to do outside of Scouting. Scouts learn that leadership isn't about just holding a position and how to demonstrate leadership as both a leader and a follower. Go to the TESTIMONIALS page to see just what Scouts are saying about the leadership they learn at Aquatic School.
Time Management
The last goal of Aquatic School is Time Management. There are
so many things for Scouts to accomplish at Aquatic School--as well
as requirements to graduate. Because of this, Scouts must learn
to manage their time correctly. Aquatic School teaches Scouts
Time Management skills that will not only help them complete
the requirements to graduate, but also help them in and out of
Scouting. You can read what Scouts and parents are saying about the Time Management skills learned at Aquatic School HERE.