"Skill Enables the Body to do What's in the Mind."

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity:
Learn more about Aquatic School - Click here now!
Established in 1954, Aquatic School is the Longhorn Council’s oldest week-long leadership program for Scouts ages 13-17. This unique, challenging, and rewarding course has been the training ground for over six decades of Longhorn Council instructors & leaders.
Every year Scouts are asked to fill out an evaluation so that we can improve upon the Aquatic School experience. The AQUATIC SCHOOL NEWS is the combined results of Scouts answers on the evaluation over the last 7 years.
CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW to see what Scouts think of the Aquatic School experience. You can also see the TESTIMONIALS page.

The Four Goals of Aquatic School

Scouts learn how to perform boating rescues.

Scouts learn how to setup a Safe Swim Area.

The Four Goals of Aquatic School
Scouts who attend Aquatic School learn leadership, instructor, and time management skills to help them throughout their Scouting career and beyond. In addition, Scouts will have the opportunity to earn a wide variety of badges, awards, and certifications. Click on the images below to learn more about all of the opportunities Scouts have at Aquatic School.